Pastor's Top 10: October 2024

Monthly Updates & Need-to-Knows from Pastor Michelle
October 2024

1) RENEWED: Perspective & Purpose
A Message from Pastor Michelle
I was familiar with all the articles in recent years about the rise in clergy burnout and ministry exits (like this one from 2024 in USA Today); but, honestly, I didn't think it would ever affect me. After all, Kingstowne's different. I love my job. I love this church. I am loved by this church.
But the closer I got to renewal leave and the more I crammed on my plate, the more I craved it; and just two weeks into leave, with a bellowing exhale, I knew one thing deep in my soul: I can never go back to the way things were before.
I'll be continuing to unpack this feeling and what it means at Kingstowne over the next few weeks and months (as I began to do in my sermon this past Sunday), but here's what I can promise you:
I return now with renewed perspective and purpose for our ministry together. I am filled with such profound gratitude for those who have helped to guard this time away for me, taking on new responsibilities and stepping up in leadership with grace and courage to ensure that Kingstowne's future is first and foremost the work of the people, not the pastor.
It seems obvious, but I'm not sure it has been. When we say that the Kingstowne Communion exists to gather people into communion with Jesus Christ through courageous conversation, creative community, and collaborating for the common good, it's imperative that we mean that that is the posture of our church's people, not the personality of our church's pastor.
But last Sunday was a miracle, friends. You all courageously, creatively, and collaboratively - maybe in moments uncomfortably - led, loved, and partnered with Franconia UMC in worship and service in one of the most brilliant expressions of the people's work I've ever witnessed at Kingstowne.
Friends, we'll continue to be the same church we've always been; I promise. But in this new season, one of building and rebuilding, I ask that you would pray seriously about how God might be calling you to lead and be apart of the people's work at Kingstowne. And as you discern a direction, will you email Ryan Bouma our Lay Leader (AKA our people's leader) at, as well as copy me at, to share your heart for this church and readiness to serve.
Meanwhile, I'm going to be get back to the work to which I've been called: soul and community transformation; for as John Wesley, the 18th century founder of Methodism put it, commissioning clergy into the settings where they lived and worked and played: "You have nothing to do but to save souls; therefore, spend and be spent in this work."
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Michelle

2) CELEBRATE: 8 Years This Sunday
Sunday, October 20 | 10am at Hayfield Secondary School (Door 9)
Help us celebrate EIGHT years of mission and ministry at Kingstowne! Join us as we honor Kingstowne's 8th birthday with celebratory worship at 10am, followed by a delicious catered lunch for all supporting Provision Church And it's a birthday, so of course there'll be cake!
Stay during lunch for our Church Conference, where we will conduct the annual business of the church as well as offer updates on leaders, finances, staff, and what's ahead for mission and ministry.
This Church Conference will be the first of two town halls, followed up by another on Sunday, November 17 during our annual Friendsgiving potluck, where we will offer more information and take questions related to our new building and 2025 stewardship campaign.

3) CARE: Hurricanes & Flood Buckets
Collecting buckets on Sunday, October 20!
All of our hearts have been extra heavy these last two weeks as we've learned of the unprecedented destruction and death toll in nearby Western North Carolina from hurricane Helene, followed up immediately by the intensity of Milton. There are so many communities in need of our prayerful and resourceful response right now.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has always been positioned well to respond quickly and systematically following natural disaster; and this week, they've put out the all-call to churches across the US, but especially in neighboring southeast states, for the assembly and collection of cleaning kits/flood buckets to be delivered in the next wave of relief to the hardest hit areas of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee.
If you've been looking for a way to respond, a way that, as a family, you could rally in support and put your hands, hearts, funds towards something that matters and teaches your child(ren) compassion and care, here's a valuable way:
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has always been positioned well to respond quickly and systematically following natural disaster; and this week, they've put out the all-call to churches across the US, but especially in neighboring southeast states, for the assembly and collection of cleaning kits/flood buckets to be delivered in the next wave of relief to the hardest hit areas of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee.
If you've been looking for a way to respond, a way that, as a family, you could rally in support and put your hands, hearts, funds towards something that matters and teaches your child(ren) compassion and care, here's a valuable way:
- Pick up a five gallon bucket or two with lid (available at Home Depot, Walmart, Lowes, Amazon)
- Follow these Cleaning Kit/Flood Bucket Instructions & Specifications provided by UMCOR to fill the bucket with the most needed items;
- Bring your bucket(s) on Sunday, October 20 to be blessed in worship and then delivered that week wherever needed the most.
- Let us know you'll be assembling a bucket so that can arrange appropriate transportation of the buckets from Hayfield to the distribution site.
- Please only donate exactly what's asked for and do not submit random donations that are not to the specifications of the list. Read more about why this is important.

4) WORSHIP: New Nehemiah Series
Sundays, October 13 - November 24 | 10am at Hayfield Secondary (Door 9)
The biblical story of Nehemiah is a story of rebuilding - inspiring and instructive for us at this moment of our church's story, as we await the construction of our next worship space; and also at this particular, unprecedented moment in American history, as we await and respond, perhaps with fear or apathy or anger, to the 2024 election and the nation being built from it's results.
The Story of Nehemiah is not just a story of a nation in distress, a man moved to action, a temple built finally. It is a story of a people built different: built, by God's grace, through grounded resilience and bold, strategic action, to withstand distraction, apathy, opposition in order to develop a community, strengthen a city, and build God's Kingdom. Join us this October-November as we explore the story of Nehemiah, glean wisdom and hope together, and seek to be built different for the journey.
- Week 1: Sun, Oct 13: (Built to) Revisit the Value | Ezra Intro, Nehemiah 1-2
- Week 2: Sun, Oct 20: (Built to) Rethink the Ordinary | Nehemiah 3-4
- Sun, Oct 27: All Hallows Worship & Trail-or-Treat at Franconia Park | Nehemiah 5
- Week 3: Sun, Nov 3: (Built to) Reimagine Leadership | Nehemiah 6-7
- Week 4: Sun, Nov 10: (Built to) Rediscover the Community | Nehemiah 8-9
- Week 5: Sun, Nov 17: (Built to) Renew Our Compassion | Nehemiah 10-11
- Week 6: Sun, Nov 24: (Built to) Repurpose Our Work | Nehemiah 12-13
In addition to the broad-stroke schedule above, we are developing a special, custom Nehemiah daily reading plan that will be available in the Bible section of our Kingstowne app with additional questions & prompts by Sunday, October 20th. Stay tuned!
In addition to our usual Sunday School curriculum, our children will also be learning about Nehemiah in Sunday School with a special 3-week, interactive Nehemiah children's series on Sundays, November 3, 10, and 17. Make sure your kids are present all three weeks to get the full Nehemiah temple-building experience!

5) THE BUILDING: Virginia Hills Update
What's been happening?
If you've driven by the construction site on Telegraph lately, you've probably noticed that Brightview Senior Living's construction is a considerable way towards completion. At the front of that property, closest to Telegraph Rd is where our new shared worship space with Virginia Hills Church & Learning Center will be located. And, no, your eyes aren't deceiving you. Construction has not yet begun on the building.
Here's what's been happening behind the scenes:
June 2024
Virginia Hills was denied for a loan for the additional $500K+ needed to fund their original design since the price increase since COVID. This forced them to make the difficult but wise decision* to have the building redesigned with a smaller footprint that wouldn't cost more than their original $4.2 million budget.
*While it has delayed the build a bit, this decision was very good news to us at Kingstowne and something we actually suggested earlier in our partnership with Virginia Hills. It's absolutely worth waiting to build something completely paid for by the funds received and already in the bank from the sale of their land.
July-August 2024
New architectural designs are drawn, approved, and resubmitted to the county for permitting.
September 2024
The building permit is approved and received from the county!
October 2024
Final engineering blueprints are being drawn now to send to the contractor; and upon receiving them, construction can begin within 2-3 weeks.
It's all coming along! And it's very exciting! We'll update you as we know more; and once construction is underway, you'll be getting updates constantly.
Here's what's been happening behind the scenes:
June 2024
Virginia Hills was denied for a loan for the additional $500K+ needed to fund their original design since the price increase since COVID. This forced them to make the difficult but wise decision* to have the building redesigned with a smaller footprint that wouldn't cost more than their original $4.2 million budget.
*While it has delayed the build a bit, this decision was very good news to us at Kingstowne and something we actually suggested earlier in our partnership with Virginia Hills. It's absolutely worth waiting to build something completely paid for by the funds received and already in the bank from the sale of their land.
July-August 2024
New architectural designs are drawn, approved, and resubmitted to the county for permitting.
September 2024
The building permit is approved and received from the county!
October 2024
Final engineering blueprints are being drawn now to send to the contractor; and upon receiving them, construction can begin within 2-3 weeks.
It's all coming along! And it's very exciting! We'll update you as we know more; and once construction is underway, you'll be getting updates constantly.

6) UPDATE: Children's Ministry & More
What's Happening & What's Ahead!
A lot has happened in the last few months at Kingstowne as it relates to children's and youth ministry. We wanted to give you the highlights as well as what you can expect in the coming weeks:
Sam Barnes Resignation
The day before Michelle's renewal leave was set to begin, Sam tendered her resignation, after a doctors appointment in which she was encouraged to take a step back and make her health and her family her first priority. Continue to pray for Sam as she adjusts to the new normals of Parkinson's and its tole on her body.
Zach Anderson, Interim Sunday School Lead
It only made sense to immediately hire Zach, who had already been assisting and filling in for Sam much of the summer, in an interim capacity over all Sunday morning Children's ministry. Zach has an extensive knowledge of Scripture and a desire to teach children the love and way of Jesus.
Until further notice, Zach is committed to prepare children's lessons for each Sunday at Kingstowne, equip our nursery lead Rosa to teach the younger kids based on his lesson, and schedule children's workers across both classrooms.
Additional Children's Workers
Every Sunday at Kingstowne, we make sure that there are four children's workers scheduled, including Rosa Lopez, our wonderful Nursery & Preschool lead, and Robbin Blaya, our Sunday School Assistant.
Marcos Correa, {NEW} Leadership Team Member
Marcos has joined our leadership team as the chair over children's and youth ministry. As the supervising staff person now over children's & youth ministry, Pastor Michelle and Marcos are excited to host a children's & youth input meeting in November. Fill out this interest form to be included in the invite and scheduling of this meeting.
Accepting Resumes Now
While we don't intend to hire now until the new year, we are currently accepting resumes for all interested and qualified for our part-time Children's and Youth Director opening. All information can be found at
Sam Barnes Resignation
The day before Michelle's renewal leave was set to begin, Sam tendered her resignation, after a doctors appointment in which she was encouraged to take a step back and make her health and her family her first priority. Continue to pray for Sam as she adjusts to the new normals of Parkinson's and its tole on her body.
Zach Anderson, Interim Sunday School Lead
It only made sense to immediately hire Zach, who had already been assisting and filling in for Sam much of the summer, in an interim capacity over all Sunday morning Children's ministry. Zach has an extensive knowledge of Scripture and a desire to teach children the love and way of Jesus.
Until further notice, Zach is committed to prepare children's lessons for each Sunday at Kingstowne, equip our nursery lead Rosa to teach the younger kids based on his lesson, and schedule children's workers across both classrooms.
Additional Children's Workers
Every Sunday at Kingstowne, we make sure that there are four children's workers scheduled, including Rosa Lopez, our wonderful Nursery & Preschool lead, and Robbin Blaya, our Sunday School Assistant.
Marcos Correa, {NEW} Leadership Team Member
Marcos has joined our leadership team as the chair over children's and youth ministry. As the supervising staff person now over children's & youth ministry, Pastor Michelle and Marcos are excited to host a children's & youth input meeting in November. Fill out this interest form to be included in the invite and scheduling of this meeting.
Accepting Resumes Now
While we don't intend to hire now until the new year, we are currently accepting resumes for all interested and qualified for our part-time Children's and Youth Director opening. All information can be found at

7) FINANCE: Update on Giving
~$18,000 behind for the year
Over the summer, for the first time in Kingstowne's history, we experienced a cash flow crunch that made us worry for a few weeks if we would be able to continue to fulfill our partnering promises and still make payroll.
Thank you so much to those who gave above and beyond your normal to help us stabilize for the fall! Your dedication to our church is incredible. Thank you also to each one of you who consistently show up and give generously as an outward sign of the inward grace and goodness of God you experience at Kingstowne. It matters so much to the mission and ministry of our church.
Still, we have depleted our reserve significantly over the last few months as our revenue has struggled to catch up with our expenses (as frugal as we've aimed to be).
If you haven't given in a while to our church or are compelled to help us end the 2024 fiscal year well and ready to build and rebuild in 2025, would you consider fulfilling any pledges made, making a generous one time gift toward our ministry, or setting up a recurring gift as a testament to God's constancy in your life?

8) COMMUNITY: Worship & Trail-or-Treat
Sunday, October 27 | 10am Worship, 11:30 Trail-or-treat
You might have heard of a Trunk-or-Treat, but what about a Trail-or-Treat?! Join us this spooky season on Sunday, October 27 for our 2nd annual costume worship (10am) and community Trail-or-Treat (11:30am-1pm) at Franconia District Park amphitheater and trail, this year provided & sponsored by five local churches, including the Kingstowne Communion, Hope UCC, Franconia UMC, Rising Hope Mission Church, and Virginia Hills Church as a part of our "Love Your Neighbor" campaign and in support of Rising Hope Mission.
We're in need to some additional volunteers, station hosts, and candy donors! Sign-up now to help us make this event, which draws about 1,000 people and has gone viral again on Facebook, an unending success!

9) SURVEYS: We Need Your Christmas Input
"Advent at the Movies" & Christmas Worship Opportunities
Christmas already?! We know it's early for such a survey, but this year we need your help in advance! This Advent (which begins Sunday, December 1 this year), join us for a sermon series "Advent at the Movies," as we explore the Christian story of Jesus' birth and experience the counter-cultural season of Advent in light of and alongside our favorite Christmas movies. Help us narrow down which movies we'll focus on, by taking this Christmas movie survey now.
We've realized over the last few years that a significant majority of our congregation leaves town for the Christmas holiday, many leaving as early as the day Fairfax County Public Schools lets-out for winter break. Help us assess desire for an additional Christmas candlelight service at Hayfield Secondary School the week before Christmas (for all those traveling) as well as determine the most desired times for Christmas services, by taking this Christmas services/travelers' Christmas survey to help us make some important decisions this month.
Based on feedback from many of you, multiple weather conflicts, and trends we've noticed in the last few years, we will be combining the two events that we usually host at Nalls Produce every December (Candlelight Christmas Tree Lighting and Christmas at the Barn) into one more robust Christmas event at Nalls Produce on Sunday, December 8. More information to come!

10) THE ELECTION: A Note from Pastor Michelle
October 13, 2024
I know it's hard. It's hard to know how to pray for America right now. If you're anything like me, you're surrounded by friends and family in a mixture of panic and denial about what's coming in November; and it has this way of rubbing off on you. And that's why I was grateful this week when one of you Kingstowne saints shared with me your secret to not feeling so paralyzed right now: you go to church.
At Kingstowne, we come to God's Table every Sunday, and what we're saying in doing so is this: we may be divided on culture wars, foreign policy, and immigration, but this Table reminds us we are one body because we’re members of Christ’s body. At God's Table, who we are together is more fundamental than what we think or worry about apart.
And, yes, at the Kingstowne Communion, we might be, for the most part, of the same mind politically. But, honestly, that doesn't all that much matter at God's Table. Still the Holy Spirit is entrusting us with the power to be a witness to the whole world about where our identity truly lies as Christ’s body, an identity that transcends both political division and likeminded apathy.
It's that simple. When our actual bodies show up at church and we feast at God's Table, we're not just alleviating our personal paralysis but speaking life in the face of the world's, too.
There is widespread dismay about the direction the United States is going; and the most distressing thing about it is the sense of powerlessness among those who long for this nation to choose a different path. But when the dismayed people are Christians, it’s even more distressing; because, if they've been in worship, those people should have in their daily and weekly practice the gifts God gives to reimagine the world.
For Christians, politics doesn’t begin or end with our choice on a voting slip; but with God’s choice to be with us. If you feel like a lot of other messages have rubbed off on you, I pray, quite simply, that you'll come to church. I'll let God do the rest.
With love,
Pastor Michelle
I know it's hard. It's hard to know how to pray for America right now. If you're anything like me, you're surrounded by friends and family in a mixture of panic and denial about what's coming in November; and it has this way of rubbing off on you. And that's why I was grateful this week when one of you Kingstowne saints shared with me your secret to not feeling so paralyzed right now: you go to church.
At Kingstowne, we come to God's Table every Sunday, and what we're saying in doing so is this: we may be divided on culture wars, foreign policy, and immigration, but this Table reminds us we are one body because we’re members of Christ’s body. At God's Table, who we are together is more fundamental than what we think or worry about apart.
And, yes, at the Kingstowne Communion, we might be, for the most part, of the same mind politically. But, honestly, that doesn't all that much matter at God's Table. Still the Holy Spirit is entrusting us with the power to be a witness to the whole world about where our identity truly lies as Christ’s body, an identity that transcends both political division and likeminded apathy.
It's that simple. When our actual bodies show up at church and we feast at God's Table, we're not just alleviating our personal paralysis but speaking life in the face of the world's, too.
There is widespread dismay about the direction the United States is going; and the most distressing thing about it is the sense of powerlessness among those who long for this nation to choose a different path. But when the dismayed people are Christians, it’s even more distressing; because, if they've been in worship, those people should have in their daily and weekly practice the gifts God gives to reimagine the world.
For Christians, politics doesn’t begin or end with our choice on a voting slip; but with God’s choice to be with us. If you feel like a lot of other messages have rubbed off on you, I pray, quite simply, that you'll come to church. I'll let God do the rest.
With love,
Pastor Michelle
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