Sunday Worship
Worship Style & Length
At the Kingstowne Communion, you can expect to encounter friendly people who are passionate about worshipping God, growing in faith, caring for each other, and living lives in and of God's courageous, creative, and collaborative love. Our worship style is a comfortable blend of the modern and traditional. Our regular Sunday worship includes individual and communal prayer, contemporary and traditional music led by our band, readings from Scripture, a sermon that helps us explore how what we believe about God shapes our daily lives, and opportunities to respond to God’s love. You can expect worship to last around 1 hour to 1 hour, 15 minutes, with the occasional opportunity to stay after for fellowship or community service. The atmosphere is very casual. Most people wear jeans, but feel free to come as you are.
Communion & Our Open Table
Communion is a big part of who we are and what we do. Each Sunday, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, in other church traditions). At this meal, we remember God’s love for us in Jesus and give thanks for God’s continued presence in our midst. We celebrate an open table, which means that everyone is welcome to receive communion, no matter who you are, where you are on the journey of faith, or whether or not you are a member of ours or any church.
Worship Location
We gather each Sunday at Hayfield Secondary School near the Kiss N Ride entrance (7503-7575 Old Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315). Park in the lot in the back of the school next to the practice fields and enter through Door #9. Our worship space is to the left once you enter the school. Our hospitality volunteers will be there to greet you and guide you to our worship space.
We are grateful for our partnership with Hayfield Secondary School and work very hard every week to make the space feel holy and welcoming. Whether or not you’ve ever tried “church in a school,” we encourage you to give us a try – we think it feels like church, and we are confident that God meets us here.
We have a vibrant and flourishing Family Ministries program for all ages! Children are always welcome to stay with their families during worship, but we also offer these opportunities:
Ages 0-3
Nursery care is available during worship, though you are also welcome to keep your children in worship with you.
Ages 4+
Children remain with their families for the opening portion of the worship service and are then invited to the front for a few moments with one of our worship leaders. Then they will head back to a classroom with their teachers to encounter Scripture in ways that are tailored to their distinct learning needs during Children’s Sunday School. The children will return to the main worship space to receive communion.
Arrival and Check-in
When you arrive, make sure to check in your children at our children’s registration station by the front door so that we can best care for them. Checking them in also helps us ensure that they stay safe and are checked out to you when worship is over. In particular, be sure to note if your child has any food allergies or other medical needs so that our teachers can be ready to care for them as well as possible. If you have any questions, our greeters will be there to help you register your children.
Common Tables
Beyond Sunday morning, there are two opportunities for youth to gather and explore their faith in deeper ways: the Kids Common Table for K-6th grade, and the Youth Common Table for 7th grade and above. Indicate your interest by signing up at worship or talking to any of our Family Ministries volunteers.
In the Community
At the Kingstowne Communion, we believe in collaborating and in taking worship outside the walls of the church. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of alternative, creative, and community-centric worship services, often in public places and in partnership with local businesses and non-profits. We have been known to worship in pubs, parks, garden centers like Nalls Produce, wineries like Woodlawn Press Winery, backyards, and more.
We also believe our presence should be of service to our community and make a real impact on the lives of those around us. We're always looking for new projects to say "Yes!" to, and when we see a need, we find a way to meet it.